Goal Failure
When we fail to meet our intended goal it can cause all sorts of fallout. Emotional, mental, and physical distress even! Let’s explore some steps to triage in the aftermath of a failed attempt at a goal and how to bounce back.
Goals and Their Importance
When it comes to achieving our dreams and desires it can be tedious to always rely on discussing goals. Goals, goals, goals. We all have them, right? But how many of us manage to complete all of them? Show of hands. My hand isn’t up either. What gives?
Hard Card: Temperance
Balance is something we all strive for but how to go about getting it? Some people try each day to balance work and pleasure, so that they get equal amounts—only to find that that balance becomes harder to maintain every day.
Hard Card: Two of Swords
A figure stands on an unsteady surface, balancing precariously. In their hands they hold two swords in the shape of an 'X' across their chest. In some card decks they have their eyes closed, in others they are blindfolded. This is the Two of Swords.