welcome to the tarotdivergent bog!
Here you will find blog posts on ADHD, coaching, creative writing, tarot, witchcraft, and queer identity.
As a graduate student pursuing a master’s in clinical counseling, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the significance of the word “no” in the context of personal boundaries. While seemingly simple, “no” is a powerful tool for self-preservation, self-respect, and authentic relationships.
Auras are believed to be energy fields that surround living beings, reflecting their physical, emotional, and spiritual state. Learning to read auras can provide insights into a person's inner world and overall well-being. Here’s a guide on how to read auras and understand the meanings of the most common aura colors.
Clairvoyance, the ability to perceive events or information beyond the natural range of the senses, is a psychic ability that has fascinated people for centuries. Whether you are looking to develop this skill for personal insight or to help others, this guide will provide you with practical steps to enhance your clairvoyant abilities.
Unlocking Your Psychic Potential Through Dance and Movement For centuries, various cultures have used dance and movement as a form of expression, healing, and spiritual connection. What many may not realize is that these practices can also be a powerful tool for developing psychic mediumship abilities. By integrating dance and movement into your routine, you can enhance your intuition, connect with your higher self, and open channels to the spirit world.
I have a great love for the work that I do as a tarot reader and psychic medium but I did not always sit with that last title comfortably. Anytime someone called me a psychic I would balk and quickly correct them to something less offense to my delicate sensibilities like intuitive.
Welcome, my magical darlings!
Today, let's delve into the enchanting realm of green candle spells, a wonderful way to attract wealth and prosperity into our lives. As a practicing witch who uses this spell often, I’m excited to crack open my Book of Shadows and share this one with you.
The woman stumbled from the door of the bar and leaned heavily into her partner, a man in a suit and tie; suit jacket slung over one shoulder and tie now precariously at half mast. The woman wore a full length sleek green dress done in a shade of green so that it appeared almost black in the sparse light case by buzzing streetlamps. New fangled, these fluorescent lights painted the night in shades of yellow, sometimes nearly orange, tones of color. It was a sharp contrast to the blue shadows of darkness that flooded side alley streets such as this where seedy buildings housed indiscriminate and secretive people looking to find a drink.
The candles flickered, casting lights on the walls in long finger trails of black shadow and golden light. Helen looked down at the book before her one more time. Perfect. She adjusted her glasses and studied the markings on the wall. Everything should be in order. She had studied this book and the ritual long enough. Months, in fact. She’d found the book and it seemed as though all of her prayers had been answered. Not that she had much use for prayers.
I love writing and love using the tarot to guide the way. For November, I want to show you how I use the tarot in writing by posting short snippets of a never written work based on an idea I had a while ago.
The Ace of Swords often is said to represent truth, mental clarity, inspiration, new ideas, breakthroughs, success, and those aha! moments. Like all four Aces in the tarot, these are moments that can be fleeting and thus moments of opportunity ripe for the picking.
Before the first of the month arrives I wanted to share with everyone a useful tip to bring prosperity into the home. This is something both myself and my partner do at the top of each new month.
When we fail to meet our intended goal it can cause all sorts of fallout. Emotional, mental, and physical distress even! Let’s explore some steps to triage in the aftermath of a failed attempt at a goal and how to bounce back.
Within the world of goals there are numerous kinds and they prove that one style of goal is not for every one. There is no true one size fits all when it comes to pursuing your own dreams in this life. What are the different kinds of goals and how can they help you? Let’s find out!
When it comes to achieving our dreams and desires it can be tedious to always rely on discussing goals. Goals, goals, goals. We all have them, right? But how many of us manage to complete all of them? Show of hands. My hand isn’t up either. What gives?
Released in August 2021, the Tarot Vintage is a Lo Scarabeo deck that takes the RWS images and has them on linen cards stock with this tea stained parchment aged looking design. The deck reads like all other RWS decks and yet has a captivating air around it.
But that isn't all the Hanged Man is good at. I struggled with this card for a long time, hitting a mental wall whenever he would come up, it got incredibly frustrating incredibly quickly. This is a great card for those whose minds are slightly left of center. Those that find themselves outside the neurotypical spheres that much of society inhabits. The Hanged Man is not looking at the same map you are in the exact same way you are. Instead, this upside down figure sees multiple strings he could pull, roads he could wander down.
For many, when this card appears they shrink away from the pain that this card communicates. Traditionally, this card is an indicator of heartbreak, loss, suffering, and emotional trauma.
For many people, whether you are part of one generation or another, the tarot is a solace. It acts as a guide, a thing that allows us to center ourselves, and provide us with doorways through which we can help ourselves to become unstuck. In modern times, eyes are riveted to the news as black and brown bodies continue to pile up while racism, bigotry, and ignorance hold the reins in more than one country.
As I first laid the cards out, I was immediately taken in by the richness of each image, and found that I could read intuitively with it quite well, as well as with the book meanings, because all the requisite symbolism was present. The kit comes with a full color book though the meanings are somewhat cut and dry. I would have loved to see something done with the book to help bolster this otherworldly, utterly magical deck.
Sometimes the dust can settle and our nerves just aren't up to the task. We are still in fight or flight mode, ready to spring into action one way or the other at a moment's notice. What happens when waiting for that shoe to drop becomes ingrained in who we are?
A person stands on a cliff overlooking the sea. What do they see coming over the horizon but a ship, their ship. Their ticket out into the world and the edges of their current knowledge. This has been all they know and now the time is here to take the next steps.
This kindly figure lounges in an outdoor scene, sometimes depicted with swollen belly, and we feel her power over the natural world. She is the Empress.
We all want something. That's human nature. It's also human nature to back away when we start getting what we want. This spring—as some pagans celebrate Ostara and may others, pagan and not alike—celebrate the arrival of the season, commit to staring down the fear and rising with renewed focus and dedication to the life you want to lead rather than the what if that has been holding you in stasis all winter long.
Since when is getting everything you want something hard to decipher? I mean, if you work hard and invest enough then surely everything will go your way and come up roses. Right? Well...
Humanity is obsessed with death. From the business of dying to horror movies to what comes next, contemporary society is saturated in death. Yet, as we are obsessed with it, we are terrified of it. Even today we discuss in quiet rooms behind closed doors, often fighting an almost instinctual panic when the subject is broached. Of course, there are many other traditions, cultures, countries in this world that do not share such a troubled relationship with death or their dead, but I am not the most up to date on those things so I will let you seek out that information for yourself, it's truly fascinating so I hope that you do.
There are times when we can't help but cry over the spilled milk. When that happens we can so thrown by small bumps in the road that we lose sight of our goals. When this happens it is best to take stock as quickly as one can before the feelings of the moment overwhelm everything and we can't get out of our emotional wallow fast enough.
In tarot, the Six of Wands is a beacon of victory, recognition, and progress after adversity. It carries the energy of triumph, not as a random stroke of luck, but as the result of focused effort and unwavering determination. This card serves as a reminder that success is not just external—it is deeply tied to your internal alignment, sense of purpose, and ability to find your center even in challenging times.