tarot, exercises, selfhelp, coaching J. Ryan tarot, exercises, selfhelp, coaching J. Ryan

Triumph Through Hardship by Finding Your Center: An Exercise with the 6 of Wands

In tarot, the Six of Wands is a beacon of victory, recognition, and progress after adversity. It carries the energy of triumph, not as a random stroke of luck, but as the result of focused effort and unwavering determination. This card serves as a reminder that success is not just external—it is deeply tied to your internal alignment, sense of purpose, and ability to find your center even in challenging times.

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Movement, Meditation, and Spirit Communication

Unlocking Your Psychic Potential Through Dance and Movement For centuries, various cultures have used dance and movement as a form of expression, healing, and spiritual connection. What many may not realize is that these practices can also be a powerful tool for developing psychic mediumship abilities. By integrating dance and movement into your routine, you can enhance your intuition, connect with your higher self, and open channels to the spirit world.

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tarot, writing J. Ryan tarot, writing J. Ryan

NaNoWriMo & Tarot: The Avarice Key

The candles flickered, casting lights on the walls in long finger trails of black shadow and golden light. Helen looked down at the book before her one more time. Perfect. She adjusted her glasses and studied the markings on the wall. Everything should be in order. She had studied this book and the ritual long enough. Months, in fact. She’d found the book and it seemed as though all of her prayers had been answered. Not that she had much use for prayers.

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