Goal Failure
When we fail to meet our intended goal it can cause all sorts of fallout. Emotional, mental, and physical distress even! Let’s explore some steps to triage in the aftermath of a failed attempt at a goal and how to bounce back.
Different Types of Goals
Within the world of goals there are numerous kinds and they prove that one style of goal is not for every one. There is no true one size fits all when it comes to pursuing your own dreams in this life. What are the different kinds of goals and how can they help you? Let’s find out!
Goals and Their Importance
When it comes to achieving our dreams and desires it can be tedious to always rely on discussing goals. Goals, goals, goals. We all have them, right? But how many of us manage to complete all of them? Show of hands. My hand isn’t up either. What gives?
Tarot Vintage: A Review
Released in August 2021, the Tarot Vintage is a Lo Scarabeo deck that takes the RWS images and has them on linen cards stock with this tea stained parchment aged looking design. The deck reads like all other RWS decks and yet has a captivating air around it.
Hard Card: Hanged Man
But that isn't all the Hanged Man is good at. I struggled with this card for a long time, hitting a mental wall whenever he would come up, it got incredibly frustrating incredibly quickly. This is a great card for those whose minds are slightly left of center. Those that find themselves outside the neurotypical spheres that much of society inhabits. The Hanged Man is not looking at the same map you are in the exact same way you are. Instead, this upside down figure sees multiple strings he could pull, roads he could wander down.