Triumph Through Hardship by Finding Your Center: An Exercise with the 6 of Wands
In tarot, the Six of Wands is a beacon of victory, recognition, and progress after adversity. It carries the energy of triumph, not as a random stroke of luck, but as the result of focused effort and unwavering determination. This card serves as a reminder that success is not just external—it is deeply tied to your internal alignment, sense of purpose, and ability to find your center even in challenging times.
NaNoWriMo & Tarot: The Introduction
I love writing and love using the tarot to guide the way. For November, I want to show you how I use the tarot in writing by posting short snippets of a never written work based on an idea I had a while ago.
Hard Card: Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords often is said to represent truth, mental clarity, inspiration, new ideas, breakthroughs, success, and those aha! moments. Like all four Aces in the tarot, these are moments that can be fleeting and thus moments of opportunity ripe for the picking.