J. Ryan J. Ryan

Don't Call Me That! A Journey of Evolution and the Term Psychic

I have a great love for the work that I do as a tarot reader and psychic medium but I did not always sit with that last title comfortably. Anytime someone called me a psychic I would balk and quickly correct them to something less offense to my delicate sensibilities like intuitive.

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J. Ryan J. Ryan

NaNoWriMo & Tarot: A Colorless Existence

The woman stumbled from the door of the bar and leaned heavily into her partner, a man in a suit and tie; suit jacket slung over one shoulder and tie now precariously at half mast. The woman wore a full length sleek green dress done in a shade of green so that it appeared almost black in the sparse light case by buzzing streetlamps. New fangled, these fluorescent lights painted the night in shades of yellow, sometimes nearly orange, tones of color. It was a sharp contrast to the blue shadows of darkness that flooded side alley streets such as this where seedy buildings housed indiscriminate and secretive people looking to find a drink.

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tarot, writing J. Ryan tarot, writing J. Ryan

NaNoWriMo & Tarot: The Avarice Key

The candles flickered, casting lights on the walls in long finger trails of black shadow and golden light. Helen looked down at the book before her one more time. Perfect. She adjusted her glasses and studied the markings on the wall. Everything should be in order. She had studied this book and the ritual long enough. Months, in fact. She’d found the book and it seemed as though all of her prayers had been answered. Not that she had much use for prayers.

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