Hard Card: Two of Swords

A figure stands on an unsteady surface, balancing precariously. In their hands they hold two swords in the shape of an 'X' across their chest. In some card decks they have their eyes closed, in others they are blindfolded. This is the Two of Swords. 

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Hard Card: The Lovers

The Lovers is a card that can cause many querents to rejoice. This card certainly means love is in the air for them. But it can also mean a lot of work is on the horizon. Think about it, a lot of long, committed relationships take time to grow. They take effort to maintain and we as a society are fascinated by those who manage to stay together for decades on end; often asking them: "How did you do it?"

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growth, intuition, tarot, tarotcards J. Ryan growth, intuition, tarot, tarotcards J. Ryan

Pile on the Meaning: Tarot Reading When Intuition Takes Over & What to Do About It

First, and foremost, the cards exist on a plane of consciousness like our own. Not only do the cards reflect-at any given moment-the thoughts and attitudes of the person interpreting them, but they also change as both points of view and situations shift. For example, you may do a reading on a job prospect one day and divine that this job is totally yours. Imagine your dismay if you receive a phone call later say that they filled the position. Bummer, for sure. Grabbing the cards again you ask what happened, and the cards tell you that they hired someone from within the company. This could have been a last minute applicant or their goal all along-either way you're looking at a situation that can and did change. 

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tarot, divination, intuition, growth J. Ryan tarot, divination, intuition, growth J. Ryan

Intuition: How to Use It & Trust It

When I was about seventeen, several years after beginning my journey with tarot, I had my first experience that I consider truly supernatural with the cards. I was reading a friend at a coffee shop and as we discussed the cards, I could not come up with an explanation for the Queen of Cups.  In particular, I was absolutely fumbling when it came to who this person was. She was getting frustrated with me, too, I could tell. I had a moment then, as we both stared at this card where I felt like someone was trying to get my attention. I looked up and in my mind I saw this woman gesturing frantically to herself. She would point to my client, as she stood behind her, and then herself and shake her head. She then began to mimic a child growing up-using her hand to make them grow taller and taller. 

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