Hard Card: The Empress
This kindly figure lounges in an outdoor scene, sometimes depicted with swollen belly, and we feel her power over the natural world. She is the Empress.
Making the Leap of Faith: Using Ostara to Kickstart Your Life
We all want something. That's human nature. It's also human nature to back away when we start getting what we want. This spring—as some pagans celebrate Ostara and may others, pagan and not alike—celebrate the arrival of the season, commit to staring down the fear and rising with renewed focus and dedication to the life you want to lead rather than the what if that has been holding you in stasis all winter long.
Hard Card: 9 of Cups
Since when is getting everything you want something hard to decipher? I mean, if you work hard and invest enough then surely everything will go your way and come up roses. Right? Well...
Hard Card: Death
Humanity is obsessed with death. From the business of dying to horror movies to what comes next, contemporary society is saturated in death. Yet, as we are obsessed with it, we are terrified of it. Even today we discuss in quiet rooms behind closed doors, often fighting an almost instinctual panic when the subject is broached. Of course, there are many other traditions, cultures, countries in this world that do not share such a troubled relationship with death or their dead, but I am not the most up to date on those things so I will let you seek out that information for yourself, it's truly fascinating so I hope that you do.
Hard Card: 5 of Cups
There are times when we can't help but cry over the spilled milk. When that happens we can so thrown by small bumps in the road that we lose sight of our goals. When this happens it is best to take stock as quickly as one can before the feelings of the moment overwhelm everything and we can't get out of our emotional wallow fast enough.